Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Appendix D Student Code of Behavioral and Academic Conduct

Administration & Jurisdiction
Behavioral Conduct Policies
Behavioral Conduct Procedures
Academic Conduct Policies
Academic Conduct Procedures
Academic and Behavioral Sanctions
Interpretation, Revision and Record Keeping
Civil Rights, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX related Policies

Approved 05/19/22, College Council and President


At CCAC, student members of the community are expected to uphold and abide by certain standards of conduct that form the basis of the Student Code of Conduct. These standards are embodied within a set of values that include integrity, social justice, diversity, respect, community and responsibility. When members of the community fail to exemplify these values, campus conduct proceedings are used to assert and uphold the Student Code of Conduct. The CCAC Student Code of Conduct and its procedures are meant to be in keeping with the mission of the Community College of Allegheny County and are designed to educate the student members of our community and encourage them to uphold the standards of conduct that this community espouses while still affording all involved parties to have appropriate due process if a student is accused of violating the standard(s).

As members of the CCAC community all students should:

  • Conduct themselves in a manner that projects integrity, respect and compassion for others
  • Challenge others to consider their behavior, attitudes, and demeanor towards others and the community when appropriate. 
  • Commit to enabling a culture of equity, inclusion and social justice. 

All students at CCAC can expect to be treated with respect and dignity.  Students should always take responsibility for their behaviors and act in accordance with the policies of CCAC as well as local, state and federal laws.


  1. Advisor - an individual selected by the Complainant or Respondent who is a member of the Community College of Allegheny County community who supports the Complainant or Respondent through the Conduct process.  This person may not be an attorney. 
  2. College or “CCAC” -  means Community College of Allegheny County
  3. College Official - includes any person employed by the College or an authorized third party vendor, performing assigned administrative or professional responsibilities.
  4. College premises - includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned, used, or controlled by the College. Here, the term “used” may include areas off campus where College programming takes place.
  5. Complainant - any person who submits a charge alleging that a student violated this Student Code of Conduct.
  6. Conduct Hearing - the formal conduct procedure in which students provide testimony or evidence to a board of faculty, staff and students when they are charged with a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. 
  7. Conduct Meeting - the informal conduct procedure in which a meeting between a Respondent and a Conduct Officer is scheduled to discuss the Student Code of Conduct charges, sanctions, and responsibility. 
  8. Conduct Officer - the Student Conduct Manager or his or her designee to coordinate Conduct Meetings or Hearings on a case-by-case basis and to impose sanctions upon any student(s) found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct.
  9. Faculty member - any person employed by the College to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the College to be a member of its faculty.
  10. Guest - anyone who does not attend nor is registered for classes but may be at the college to seek enrollment, visit a student, staff or faculty member, or is here for any other professional or public reason.   
  11. Mediation – a mutual discussion between parties involved in a student conduct matter. If successful, its end result is the resolution of said matter and cannot be reversed.
  12. Mutual consent - an agreement of sanctions, mediation, or disciplinary decision by all parties involved in a conduct related matter.  This may include the Respondent, Complainant, Conduct Officer or witnesses.
  13. Respondent - any student accused of violating this Student Code of Conduct.
  14. Student - all persons taking credit and/or non-credit courses at the College (either full-time or part-time), persons who withdraw after allegedly violating the Student Code of Conduct, persons who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the College, persons who have been notified of their acceptance for admission.
  15. Student Conduct Manager - the person designated by the College to be responsible for the administration of the Student Code of Conduct.
  16. Witness - refers to an individual who was witness to a violation of this Student Code of Conduct or who is in defense of a Complainant or Respondent.

Administration & Jurisdiction

  1. Students are required to follow all College Policies and Procedures.  This would include any departmental, campus based, or temporary policies within CCAC.  Changes or updates to any College Policy will be shared with students via their CCAC email and reflected online on the CCAC website. 
  2. The Student Conduct Manager maintains the appropriate Student Conduct Process and proceedings as outlined below.
  3. The Student Conduct Manager, in coordination with the Deans of Students, and governing boards at CCAC shall develop policies for the administration of the Student Code of Conduct system and establish procedures for Student Code of Conduct proceedings that are consistent with provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.
  4. Decisions made by the Conduct Officer or Conduct Board shall be final, pending students’ rights to appeal.
  5. Students should be aware that the student conduct process is quite different from criminal and civil court proceedings. Procedures and rights in student conduct proceedings are conducted with fairness to all, but do not include the same protections of due process afforded by the courts.
  6. In most circumstances, the college will treat attempts to commit any of the violations listed in the Student Code of Behavioral Conduct as if those attempts had been completed.
  7. The college will not tolerate intentional false reporting of incidents. It is a violation of the Student Code of Behavioral Conduct to make an intentionally false report of any policy violation, and it may also violate state criminal statutes and civil defamation laws.
  8. When members of groups, individuals acting collusively or members of an organization act in concert in violation of any policy, they may be held accountable as a group and a hearing may proceed against the group jointly. In any such action, however, determinations will be made with respect to the involvement of each accused individual.
  9. The college reserves the right to notify the emergency contact of students regarding any conduct situation. The college also reserves the right to designate which college officials have a need to know about individual conduct complaints pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  10. We strongly encourage all of our community members to report violations of this code of conduct.  In doing so we commit ourselves to providing a safe environment for all CCAC community members and prospective community members.  This also ensures that we all are doing our part in providing a constructive and positive learning environment for all students.  To help in supporting everyone to make the right decisions and to report concerning issues please keep these two policies/laws in mind.
    1. Good Samaritan Law
      1. The state of Pennsylvania has an alcohol emergency amnesty law (“Good Samaritan” law). The alcohol amnesty law states: Immunity from prosecution for a person under the age of 21 for the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages if law enforcement, including campus safety police, became aware of the possession or consumption solely because the individual was seeking medical assistance for someone else. The person seeking the assistance must reasonably believe he or she is the first to call for assistance, must use her/his own name with authorities, and must stay with the individual needing medical assistance until help arrives.
    2. Safe Harbor
      1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, charges and/or sanctions against a student who participated in a hazing activity may be mitigated if it is determined that the student placed a 911 call or contacted College security, police or other emergency services personnel (collectively or individually, “emergency personnel”) based upon a reasonable, good faith belief that another individual was in need of immediate medical attention to prevent death or serious bodily injury to that individual. Good faith will be presumed whenever the student can establish that (1) the student reasonably believed that she or he was the first individual to contact emergency services on behalf of the individual believed to need medical attention, (2) the student provided her or his own name to emergency services personnel who responded to the call, and (3) the student remained with the individual needing medical assistance until emergency services personnel arrived and the need for the student’s presence had ended.
    3. The college encourages the reporting of conduct code violations. Sometimes, victims are hesitant to report to college officials because they fear that they themselves may be charged with policy violations at the time of the incident. It is in the best interest of this community that as many victims as possible choose to report to college officials. To encourage reporting, the college pursues a policy of offering victims limited immunity from being charged for policy violations. While violations cannot be completely overlooked, the college will provide educational options rather than punishment, in such cases. This policy does not protect anyone from potential law enforcement investigations, crimes or charges. 

Behavioral Conduct Policies

CCAC’s Student Code of Behavioral Conduct shall apply to conduct that occurs on College premises, at College-sponsored activities, and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the College community and/or the pursuit of its objectives. Each student shall be responsible for his/her conduct from the time of application for admission.  This includes conduct that may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment. The Student Code of Conduct shall apply to a student’s conduct even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. The Student Conduct Manager shall decide whether the Student Code of Conduct shall be applied to conduct occurring off-campus, on a case-by-case basis.

College conduct proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with conduct that potentially violates both the criminal law and this Student Code of Conduct (that is, if both possible violations result from the same factual situation). Proceedings under this Student Code of Conduct may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings off-campus at the discretion of the Student Conduct Manager.  Determinations made or sanctions imposed under this Student Code of Conduct shall not be subject to change due to criminal charges arising from the same facts.

If the alleged offense is also being processed under the Student Code of Conduct, the College may advise off-campus authorities of the existence of the Student Code of Conduct and of how such matters are typically handled within the College community. The College will attempt to cooperate with law enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement of criminal law on campus and in the conditions imposed by criminal courts for the rehabilitation of student violators (provided that the conditions do not conflict with campus rules or sanctions). Individual students and other members of the College community, acting in their personal capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem appropriate.

Behavioral Conduct Policies

  1. Integrity and Civility
    1. Violation of any College policy, rule, or regulation published in hard copy or available electronically on the College website.
    2. Violation of any federal, state or local law.
    3. Conduct deemed unsuitable at CCAC, including conduct which results in a negative reflection on the campus community.
    4. Action or inaction by someone in collusion with a wrongdoer which fails to discourage a known and obvious violation of college policy or law. 
  2. Abuse of the Student Conduct Proceedings
    1. Failure to comply with the directive of a Conduct Officer or conduct investigation.
    2. Disrupting or interfering with the orderly conduct of any Student Conduct proceeding.
    3. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the Student Conduct process at any time.
    4. Attempting to influence the impartiality of any individual involved in the Student Conduct process.
    5. Any harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of the Student Conduct process including conduct officers, board members, witnesses, complainants or respondents. 
    6. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed.
    7. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the Student Conduct system.
  3. Departmental Policies and Procedures
    1. Students are required to follow any policies and procedures that are outlined within department guidelines.  This includes, but is not limited to, guidelines set forth within the Nursing Program, Allied Health programs or any other social or academic programs offered at CCAC.  Any student who violates any of these policies and procedures can be held responsible through the Student Conduct Process.
  4. Acceptable Use Policy for Technology
    1. As social media has developed, so, too, have the ways in which individuals communicate and share views.  Students should be mindful of the content that they share on social media as well as the ways in which they communicate.  To this end, material shared or communicated through social media that threatens to substantially impact or harm CCAC or its community members is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and appropriate use of technology policies.
    2. Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video recording of any person without their knowledge or without their prior consent when such recording is likely to cause injury or distress.  This includes taking pictures, using phone apps, using computers, or any other electronic, social media or capturing equipment.
    3. Any misuse of internet programs, social media websites, electronic technologies, language or behavior that could be seen as hurtful, harassing or endangering others in the community. 
    4. Unauthorized use, prohibited sharing or misuse of any images, documents, content, names or course material
    5. Misuse of college network, password, accounts or college information. 
  5. Disorderly Conduct
    1. Endangering, threatening, harassing or causing physical harm to any person or causing reasonable apprehension of such harm.  This includes, but is not limited to, fighting, written or spoken threats, and intimidation of any kind. 
    2. Engaging in harassment based on age, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex/gender, gender identity, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
    3. Engaging in behavior that is disruptive of the learning environment of the campus or disrupts or negatively impacts the experience, property or well-being of another student. Examples of this behavior, include but are not limited to: excessive noise, throwing objects, behavior that is inappropriate in nature, using language that is aggressive, demeaning, inappropriate or disrespectful.  This may also include being present and failing to intervene on multiple occasions in which violations of the Student Code of Conduct are committed. 
  6. Falsifying Information Misconduct
    1. Concealing one’s identity individually or collectively for the purpose of avoiding the consequences of illegal, irresponsible or inconsiderate behavior.
    2. Furnishing false information to any College official, faculty member, or office.
    3. Forging, altering, or misusing any College document, record, or form of identification.
    4. Willfully and purposefully spreading false information to others on campus whether through word of mouth, social media, multimedia or any other form of communication, lying, distorting, withholding, or manipulating information in order to disrupt or elude any investigation or conduct proceeding.
  7. Destruction and Misuse of Property
    1. Attempted or actual theft, damage to, alteration of, and/or misuse of property, including but not limited to the property and grounds of the College or property of a member of the College community.
    2. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys, possession of another student, Staff, or Faculty ID card, unauthorized entry into or use of College premises. Unauthorized or unwanted entry into locations on campus that may be considered to be private or restricted such as an office or restroom, or access to any restricted areas on campus including but not limited to: buildings, offices, facilities.  These areas cannot be accessed after posted hours of services for any reason. Accessing these areas may result in criminal trespassing charges.
    3. Possessing or utilizing property that is not one’s own, without the owner’s permission.
    4. Misuse of college property, tools, resources or equipment.  This may include but is not limited to: laboratory equipment, tools, electronics, and clinical site equipment. 
  8. Guest Policy
    1. Students are responsible for informing their guest(s) of all policies and will be held responsible for the behavior of their guest(s).
    2. Unsupervised children are not permitted on campus unless they are enrolled in a class.  Children in the classrooms, library, and/or laboratories may create distractions or disruptions as well as present potential for liabilities for the college.  Therefore children are not permitted to attend class and/or laboratories in which they are not enrolled.  Individuals under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult to use the college libraries. 
  9. Disruption of College Activities
    1. Disrupting or obstructing teaching, research, administration, or other College activities, including its public service functions on or off-campus, or other authorized non-College activities. Interfering with normal College or College-sponsored activities, including but not limited to studying, teaching, research, College administration, or fire, police or emergency services.
    2. Participating in a campus demonstration which infringes on the rights of other members of the College community, or leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building.
    3. Breach of peace, or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace on College premises or at functions sponsored by, or participated in by, the College.
    4. Disrupting or tampering with processes for any function at the College such as elections, admissions. 
  10. Hazing

On Oct. 19, 2018, Governor Tom Wolf signed Senate Bill 1090, the Timothy J. Piazza Anti-hazing Law, which strengthens penalties for hazing and ensures that schools have safeguards to protect students. The law provides several measures to prevent hazing, including requiring schools to have anti-hazing rules, enforcement policies and preventative measures and to make information about hazing violations, including biannual violation reports, available to the public to help inform students and parents.

Under the Timothy J. Piazza Anti-hazing Law, the definition of hazing includes but is not limited to the following examples of conduct: any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, any organization operating under the sanction of or recognized as an organization by an institution of higher education.

It is the policy of CCAC that hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the College mission and are strictly prohibited at all times.  No student may plan, encourage, or engage in hazing. This policy applies to both individuals and organizations.  All hazing activities should be reported immediately to any College official.  If hazing occurs on the basis of actual or perceived membership in a protected class the matter may be referred to the Office of Civil Rights. 

Students violate this policy if they are aware that hazing has occurred or is planned to occur and do not report such activities. Administrators, Faculty members, students, and all other employees who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and may be liable for civil and criminal penalties in accordance with federal, state, and local laws.

  1. Health and Safety
    1. Except to the extent expressly authorized herein, the possession of a weapon by any person is expressly prohibited in all buildings, facilities and vehicles owned, leased or operated by the College and at any event or activity sponsored by the College, whether occurring on or off of College property. Violations of this Policy will result in the immediate removal of the violator and weapon from College property and/or the activity or event at which the violation occurred. Violations of this Policy may also result in disciplinary sanctions for students or employees. The term “possession” includes having a weapon on one’s person, or in a vehicle or bag brought onto College property.
    2. As used in this Policy, the term “weapon” includes any knife, cutting instrument, explosive device, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle, or any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury, and any replica of such a weapon. The term “replica” refers to an object that could reasonably be misidentified as a real weapon, including but not limited to props or toys that look like actual firearms, knives or explosives.
    3. Creating a safety hazard, including throwing objects in, at, or out of College buildings is prohibited. 
  2. Fire Safety Policy
    1. All community members are expected to immediately evacuate the building during a fire alarm.  
    2. Misuse of fire safety equipment is a violation of the Fire Safety Policy and is strictly prohibited. Tampering with and misusing this equipment could result in the health and life of others being put at risk.  Violations related to the misuse of this equipment are strictly enforced to protect all community members in the event of an emergency. This includes but is not limited to:
      1. Tampering with, covering or removing smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, exit signs or other fire safety equipment.
      2. Breaking pull station or fire extinguisher covers, unless the situation warrants such action.
      3. Pulling and/or unnecessarily causing a false fire alarm to be activated.
    3. CCAC is a smoke free campus.  Smoking is not permitted on campus premises including the parking lots of CCAC.  Smoking includes the use of any electronic or vaporizing cigarette, pipes, cigars, chewing or smokeless tobacco.
    4. The following are federally illegal and violate the student Code of Conduct: falsely pulling a fire alarm, phoning a false report to 911, intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, arson or starting a fire or providing the conditions where a fire is likely to occur or continue.
  3. Gambling
    1. Students are expected to abide by the federal laws and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania prohibiting illegal gambling, including online gaming. Gambling for money or other things of value on campus or at college-sponsored activities is prohibited except as permitted by law.
    2. Such prohibited activity includes, but is not limited to, betting on, wagering on or selling pools on any college athletic event; possessing on one’s person or premises (e.g., car) any card, book or other device for registering bets; knowingly permitting the use of one’s premises or one’s telephone or other electronic communications device for illegal gambling; knowingly receiving  or delivering a letter, package or parcel related to illegal gambling; offering, soliciting or accepting a bribe to influence the outcome of an athletic event; and involvement in bookmaking or wagering pools with respect to sporting events.
  4. Solicitation
    1. No person or group may engage in selling or solicitation of any kind on campus without written approval. This includes, but is not limited to: office to office solicitation, posters, commercial stuffing of mailboxes, email solicitation, selling of goods, products or services. 
  5. Failure to Comply 
    1. A student is charged with insubordination when he/she disobeys, disrupts, ignores or becomes disorderly to a directive or action given/taken by a College official to act, respond, or provide information that is to the benefit of the situation, process, students, Staff and/or Faculty.
    2. Students are also considered to be failing to comply when an individual is found to be responsible in violating the Student Code of Conduct on multiple occasions.  This includes violating the same policy multiple times or violating differing policies multiple times.
  6. Alcohol

The possession, consumption, promotion or transportation of alcohol on College premises is prohibited.  Public intoxication – including attending class or school functions while intoxicated is prohibited and can be a violation of law.  Organizations such as clubs or athletic teams may not include or provide alcohol at any events or functions. 

  1. Drugs

In accordance with state and federal laws, it is illegal for students to possess, use or sell illegal drugs, and to abuse, unlawfully possess, misuse, or distribute prescription drugs. Included in these categories, but not limited to, are: opiates, barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana, hallucinogens, illegal steroids, date-rape drugs, and other illegal or prescription drugs. The following is additional information regarding the drug policy at CCAC:

  1. Use or abuse of illegal and controlled substances is a violation of College regulations.
  2. Students who are subject to random drug testing will be found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct if they are found to have tested positively for any drug that has not been prescribed or which has been identified as illegal under state or federal law.
  3. The possession of drug paraphernalia, making no distinction between whether it has or has not been used for its intended purpose, is prohibited. Therefore, students are not permitted to possess, including, but not limited to, the following items: hookahs, water pipes or bongs, rolling papers, grinders, weigh stations, vaporizers and/or pipes designed to smoke tobacco alternatives.  Possessing these items with or without the intent to utilize them may result in disciplinary action. 
  4. In April of 2016, the state of Pennsylvania passed Act 16 legalizing the limited use of marijuana for medical purposes.  However, marijuana remains illegal under federal law, specifically, Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. Thus, in conjunction with the Federal Drug Free School Zone Act of 1988, CCAC remains an institution dedicated to maintaining a drug-free environment, including the possession or use of medical marijuana on campus.  To this end, a student that has been prescribed marijuana for medicinal purposes may not possess or use medical marijuana on campus.  If a student has a medical marijuana prescription they may consult the Dean of Students or Office of Supportive Services to develop a reasonable accommodation plan involving responsible off-campus use, or to discuss alternative support while on campus.
  1. Educational Resources and Treatment Options

There are a number of resources available on and off-campus to provide alcohol and drug education or assistance with alcohol concerns:

  1. Counselors are available to provide referrals for treatment off-campus, and to provide information and education about alcohol use. 
  2. Drug and Alcohol Services for Adults:  PA Get Help Now Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
  3. Pathway and Care to Recovery – 412-325-7550
  4. Resolve – 1-888-796-8226
  5. Narcotics Anonymous, 24 hour Crisis Line – 888-251-2426
  6. Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board:  http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/PLCB/index.htm
  7. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/
  8. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD):  http://ncadd.org/

Student Conduct Procedures

A. Charges and Student Conduct Proceedings

Any member of the College community may file charges or an incident report against a student for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. A charge shall be prepared in writing and directed to the Student Conduct Manager. Any charge should be submitted as soon as possible after the incident takes place.  Reporting forms may be found here:https://www.ccac.edu/about/forms.php#reporting-forms-for-campus-incidents-and-concerns

In cases that result in a Conduct Meeting or Conduct Hearing the technical rules of evidence applicable in criminal court shall not apply.  Decisions shall be made using a preponderance of evidence standard, meaning that it has been proven that a violation more likely than not occurred.  Below outlines the proceedings for the Student Code of Conduct.

1. Conduct Meeting: Informal Process

Upon receipt and review of an incident report or charges, the Student Conduct Manager or his/her designee will meet with the Respondent(s) in a Conduct Meeting. This meeting will be arranged through either a phone call or email and can take place in person or via virtual meeting.  The purpose of this meeting will be to:

  1. Inform the student of possible violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
  2. Determine if additional investigation is required.
  3. Determine if the incident can be resolved by mutual consent of the parties involved.

At the conclusion of an investigation or a Conduct Meeting, the Student Conduct Manager may impose sanctions appropriate towards the charges if they are admitted to or found to be more likely than not that the student(s) violated the Student Code of Conduct.  If a resolution is met between the parties involved or sanctions imposed by the Student Conduct Manager are agreed upon with the respondent the matter shall be considered final and have no subsequent proceedings.

If responsibility of charges is not admitted, cannot be determined to be more likely than not, or cannot be disposed of by mutual consent, a request for a Conduct Hearing to determine responsibility can be made.

In some cases, where applicable and at the discretion the Student Conduct Manager, the Complainant and Respondent may be provided the opportunity to resolve the charges through mediation.  The Conduct Officer may refer a matter to mediation in cases where expulsion or suspension from the College is not contemplated as a sanction and where there are no pending charges in any criminal court. Mediation is only an option when the parties involved agree to enter into a mediation process. (In cases where there is no agreement among the parties about seeking mediation, disciplinary procedures including Conduct meetings or a Conduct Hearing will be employed.) The results of a mediation conference do not become part of a student’s official disciplinary record, but a record is kept of the findings and agreements reached.

2. Student Conduct Hearing: Formal Process


A Conduct Hearing is a process in which an incident or conduct case is to be heard by a board of faculty, administrators, and students.  This process is implemented when it is not clear that a student has more likely than not committed a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, a student does not accept responsibility for a violation after a Conduct Meeting(s), or the proposed sanction includes suspension or expulsion.  Except in cases of suspension or expulsion, Conduct Hearings are not held to determine sanctions that may be the result of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct but sanctions can be recommended.


  1. All charges shall be presented to the Respondent in written form. A time shall be set for the Conduct Hearing, not less than seven (7) calendar days after the student has denied responsibility of their violation.
  2. The Conduct Hearing shall be conducted in private and will be recorded for documentation purposes.
  3. At least 24 hours in advance of the hearing, all parties will receive information related to location (including Zoom meeting links), written information relevant to the complaint and a list of all of the members of the Conduct Hearing Board and all witnesses. 
  4. If the Complainant or the Respondent believe they have a basis to object to the participation of any members of the hearing board, on the basis of a conflict of interest or otherwise, they must submit that objection in writing, including an explanation of the reason or basis of the objection, to the Student Conduct Manager at least 3 hours prior to the Hearing.
  5. Conduct Boards are composed of one faculty member, one administrator and one student representative.  The Student Conduct Manager or his/her designee will serve as the Chair of the Conduct Board.  Training of these boards will be held minimally once a year in the fall semester. 
  6. Any information shared during these proceedings shall be kept confidential between the students involved and the College to the best and most appropriate standards as set forth by FERPA. 
  7. If the Respondent fails to appear to a scheduled Conduct Hearing in which he or she has received due notification, the information in support of the charges may be presented and considered in the Respondent’s absence. The Respondent, by his or her absence, forfeits the right to present any information in his or her defense, and such an absence is not in itself grounds for appeal.
  8. The Conduct Board may accommodate concerns regarding the personal safety, well-being and/or peace of mind of the Complainant, Respondent, and/or any witness(es) by providing separate facilities, by using a visual screen, and/or by permitting participation via telephone, videophone, video conferencing, videotape, audio tape, written statement, or other means, where and as determined by the sole judgment of the chair of the Conduct Board.
  9. The Complainant and the Respondent have the right to be assisted by an Advisor of their choosing.  Advisors must be a member of the CCAC community but may not be an attorney.  The Complainant and/or the Respondent shall be solely responsible for presenting his or her own information and, therefore, Advisors may only serve in a supporting role and not as an advocate. Advisors may not be permitted to speak during the hearing. A student should select as an Advisor someone who is a CCAC community member whose schedule allows attendance at the scheduled date and time for the Conduct Hearing; delays shall not be allowed due to the scheduling conflicts of an Advisor.
  10. The Complainant and the Respondent may arrange for witnesses to present pertinent information during the Conduct Hearing.  These witnesses must be identified and submitted to the Student Conduct Manager at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled hearing.
  11. At least 48 hours in advance to a Conduct Hearing the Complaint and Respondent must submit to the Student Conduct Manager a written list of all items or information they intend to use or need to have present at the hearing.  They must also indicate any individuals who have possession or custody of such information, if known. 
  12. During the proceeding, the Chair of the Conduct Board will make opening remarks.  At that time, both the Respondent and the Complainant will have the opportunity to share pertinent information regarding their involvement and/or the charges of the Student Code of Conduct.  Board members will then have the opportunity to ask questions of the Respondent, the Complainant and any witnesses. 
  13. After the portion of the Conduct Hearing concludes in which pertinent information is received, the Conduct Board, in private, shall determine whether the Respondent has violated each relevant section of the Student Code of Conduct under which the student is charged.  If found responsible, the Conduct Board will recommend any sanctions they deem appropriate for the violations to the Student Conduct Manager.  This recommendation will be considered by the Student Conduct Manager, but other factors such as the student’s past conduct history, ability to complete sanctions, and/or the safety of the community and other students may be considered in determining appropriate sanctions. 
  14. Both the Complainant and Respondent will be notified in writing – within seven (7) business days - of the Conduct Board’s decision as to whether a finding of responsibility for the alleged violation was found.  The Respondent shall be notified in writing as to any recommended Sanctions. 

B.  Interim Measures and Suspensions

In certain circumstances, the Student Conduct Manager may impose interim measures prior to the Student Conduct Process.  These measures may include an interim suspension, restriction, or any other form of sanction designed to ensure student safety and security.

  1. Interim Suspension
    1. Interim suspension may be imposed:
      1. To ensure the student’s own physical or emotional safety and well-being;
      2. To ensure the safety and well-being of members of the College community or preservation of College property;
      3. If the student poses an ongoing threat of disruption of or interference with the normal operations of the College.
    2. During the interim suspension, a student shall be denied access to the campus (including classes) and/or all other College activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible.
    3. The interim suspension does not replace the conduct process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule, up to and through a Conduct Hearing, if required.  
  2. Suspension
    1. A suspension is an imposed sanction that has resulted from significant conduct violations or repeated violations of the Student Code of Conduct that have been adjudicated through either a Conduct Meeting or Conduct Hearing.  A suspension is for a designated period of time and will typically include pre-requisites for readmission to the College. When a student has been suspended that student is not permitted to be on campus or attend College activities without express and written permission  the Dean of Students, Student Conduct Manager, or the Director of Safety and Security and is considered separated from the College.  Suspensions are enforced immediately once the determination is made.

C.  Appeals

The Respondent or Complainant may appeal decisions made by a Conduct Board. Such an appeal shall be made by the Respondent or Complainant in writing to the Dean of Students, or their designee, referred to for that case and must be addressed and delivered per the instructions provided in his/her follow-up letter within seven (7) calendar days of the issuance of sanctions.

Upon review of the Appeal the Dean of Students will communicate next steps – if any – in their review letter.  The Dean of Students is not responsible for reversing any decisions but may recommend that a policy or process is revisited or adjudicated again if necessary.  

Appeals are considered on the following grounds:

  1. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed were appropriate for the violation of the Student Code of Conduct the student was found to have committed.
  2. To consider new information, where such information is 1) sufficient to alter the decision, and 2) was not known to the Respondent at the time of the original Student Conduct Meeting.
  3. To determine if Student Conduct Process was conducted in a fair and reasonably timed manner to allow the opportunity for the Respondent or Complainant to prepare and present information.  Deviations from the Student Conduct procedures will not sustain an appeal unless significant prejudice is determined to be found on the part of the Student Conduct Process or individuals involved in the process. 

Academic Conduct Policies

The college is committed to the advancement of knowledge and learning and to the development of responsible individuals.   In meeting this commitment, the college has an obligation to monitor academic integrity. Students are expected to uphold appropriate standards of academic integrity. The college assumes, and indeed views as indispensable to a student’s academic career, the principle that every student is honor-bound not to cheat or act dishonorably in or out of the classroom. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense because it undermines the bonds of trust and honesty among members of the college community.

Academic Conduct Policies

  1. Cheating
    1. The act or attempted act of deception by which a student misrepresents that he/she has mastered information on an academic exercise that, in fact, has not been mastered.
  2. Fabrication
    1. The use of invented information or citation in an academic exercise or the falsification of research or other findings.
  3. Document Misuse
    1. Unauthorized use, prohibited sharing, uploading or misuse of any images, documents, content, names or course material. 
  4. Plagiarism
    1. Failure to place quotation marks around material copied word-for-word from another source, published or not, including web-based content (long quotes are indented and blocked, according to discipline documentation requirements);
    2. Neglecting to attribute words and/or ideas to the author, whether the author is published or not;
    3. Closely following the original’s wording and sentence structure when attempting to paraphrase without proper citation; and/or
    4. Presenting all or part of a paper from an essay-purchasing website or other source as their own work.
  5. Ethical Misconduct
    1. Knowingly violating a standard of ethical conduct incorporated into a specialized program of study.
  6. Academic Dishonesty
    1. Changing or altering a grade or obtaining and/or distributing any part of a test that is to be administered, or inappropriate collaboration or other violation of the terms of an academic assignment as defined by the instructor and/or syllabus.
  7. Facilitation of Academic Misconduct
    1. Intentionally and/or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of the Student Code of Academic Conduct.
  8. Classroom Etiquette
    1. Any behavior or language within a classroom setting that could cause disruption to the learning environment or cause others to feel unsafe, harassed, intimidated or threatened.

Academic Conduct Procedures

Informal Procedure

The faculty member is responsible for discussing the allegations of academic misconduct with the student. If the student is cleared of the charges, no additional action is taken.  If the student admits to the academic misconduct, the    matter can be resolved between the faculty member and the student utilizing the guidelines set forth in the course syllabus. The faculty member must complete the Academic Misconduct Report Form, attaching the course syllabus, documenting the offense and the resolution.  This form can be found on the Reporting Forms for Campus Incidents and Concerns.

If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily at the informal stage, it will be subject to formal procedures. Additionally, students who have a previous offense in any class may be subject to additional disciplinary sanctions.

In addition to academic conduct procedures, specific departmental policies and procedures may also apply to certain misconduct incidents.  Students are encouraged to review and be familiar with their academic department policies and procedures. 

Formal Procedure

Step 1: Report the Allegation(s)

If a student denies the academic misconduct, the faculty member   must notify the student, in writing (email is sufficient), that they will be filing an allegation of academic misconduct with the Student Conduct Manager. The faculty member must complete the Academic Misconduct Report form, found on the Reporting Forms for Campus Incidents and Concerns. The Student Conduct Manager will oversee the conduct  procedures and consult with the appropriate Associate Academic Dean or Dean of Students as needed.

Step 2: Review the Allegation(s)

Upon receipt of the allegation(s), the Student Conduct Manager, in collaboration with the appropriate Associate Academic Dean, will conduct a preliminary investigation and may do any of the following:

  1. Dismiss the allegation(s);
  2. If the student admits the violation, impose a sanction as prescribed by the Student Code of Academic Conduct and in alignment with the faculty member’s syllabus.
  3. If the student contests the allegation or the imposed sanction, refer the matter to the Conduct Hearing Board composed of one student, one faculty member and one administrator selected by the Student Conduct Manager. The hearing board will be convened by the Student Conduct Manager who will assist the hearing board in the selection of a chairperson and inform the committee of proper hearing procedures.  Please refer to the Student Conduct Procedures: Section A.2 in this handbook for more information related to conduct boards and its procedures. 
Step 3: Right to Appeal

The Respondent or Complainant may appeal decisions made by a Conduct Board. Such an appeal shall be made by the Respondent or Complainant in writing to the Dean of Students, or their designee, referred to for that case and must be addressed and delivered per the instructions provided in his/her follow-up letter within seven (7) calendar days of the issuance of sanctions.

Upon review of the Appeal the Dean of Students will communicate next steps – if any – in their review letter.  The Dean of Students is not responsible for reversing any decisions but may recommend that a policy or process is revisited or adjudicated again if necessary.  

Appeals should be written in accordance to the grounds outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.  The following grounds for appeal are:

  1. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed were appropriate for the violation of the Student Code of Conduct the student was found to have committed.
  2. To consider new information, where such information is 1) sufficient to alter the decision, and 2) was not known to the Respondent at the time of the original Student Conduct Meeting.
  3. To determine if Student Conduct Process was conducted in a fair and reasonably timed manner to allow the opportunity for the Respondent or Complainant to prepare and present information.  Deviations from the Student Conduct procedures will not sustain an appeal unless significant prejudice is determined to be found on the part of the Student Conduct Process or individuals involved in the process.

Academic and Behavioral Sanctions

Sanctions are typically assigned by the Student Conduct Manager at the conclusion of an investigation or discussion of an incident.  However, at times, these sanctions can be assigned by others at the college who complete investigations such as CCAC Title IX officers or Civil Rights Compliance officers.  Academic sanctions are typically assigned by a professor or the Associate Dean or Dean of the Academic discipline.

Sanctions are designed for a few reasons.  Some of those reasons are: to be educational and assist students in their development, stop future violations, maintain a safe and secure campus, maintain a healthy learning environment for all community members, and maintain orderly campus functions. 

The following are possible, but not limited to, sanctions that can be imposed on a student.  More than one sanction can be imposed on any violation.  All imposed sanctions will be provided and outlined to the Respondent in writing with information regarding additional processes such as appeals, a designated date by which sanctions are to be completed and/or expire and any other relevant information regarding sanctions and the student conduct process. 

Sanctions that can result from Behavioral Misconduct:
  1. Written Warning – Notice in writing that a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct and that further violations will result in additional and stronger sanctions. 
  2. Educational Project – This includes, but is not limited to, essays, letters, community service, projects, presentations, assignments, educational programs.  
  3. Fines/Restitution – Punitive fines, compensation for loss, damage or injury.  This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
  4. Administrative hold – A freeze on a student’s account that restricts their ability to register for classes, receive transcripts or diplomas.  Most often enforced when a student has not completed a sanction or has not responded to requests to meet with a conduct officer.  This is lifted once the sanctions or directives are complete. 
  5. Disciplinary Probation - a written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time (not to be less than one semester in length) and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student or student organization is found to be violating any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.
  6. Loss of Privileges – In addition with a probationary period, Loss of Privileges includes but is not limited to, removal or denial of any leadership roles, removal from organizational or team functions for a period of time, loss of abilities to attend College functions, loss of any privilege to represent the college. 
  7. Restricted Access – A student may be restricted from entering certain buildings, campuses, or from using specified equipment or facilities.
  8. Suspension - Separation of the student from the College for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.  During a suspension a student may not be on any campus and may not engage in any coursework.  Students will receive a ‘W’ grade for any of their courses in progress and no tuition or fees will be refunded. 
  9. Deferred Suspension – Deferred suspension is a designated period of time during which a student is given the opportunity to complete academic requirements before a designated suspension time period.  This typically includes a total restriction from campus but retaining an opportunity to complete a course online or through Zoom.  This could include completing in abstention.  
  10. Expulsion - Permanent separation of the student from the College.  Similar to a suspension as defined above.  Expulsion is for significantly longer time periods and can be permanent.  Readmission does not need to be specified and is not guaranteed. 
  11. Revocation of Admission, Degree or Certificate - Admission to the College or a degree awarded from the College may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation or other violations of College standards committed by a student prior to graduation.
  12. Degree withholding - The College may withhold awarding a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the process set forth in this Student Code of Conduct including the completion of all sanctions imposed, if any.
Sanctions that can result from Academic Misconduct:

Academic Misconduct – while typically resolved with the professor, program Associate Dean or Dean – can be referred to the Student Conduct Process at any time.  Particularly if the student has conducted themselves in a manner that requires additional support or if the student has repeatedly violated any policy.   

Students found responsible or have admitted to violations of the Academic Misconduct Policies may be subject to one or more of any of the following sanctions as indicated in the course syllabus:

  1. Warning - An instructor may determine that the violation of the Student  Code of Academic Conduct was unintentional. If so, the instructor may warn the student orally or in writing about the violation.
  2. Grade Penalty - A penalty to the grade for the assignment or the course as per the instructor’s outline.
  3. Academic Reassessment - A designated period of time (not to be less than one semester in length- please rephrase) in which a student is required to complete the following:  (1) meet with an academic advisor to review academic plan, (2) discuss strategies to utilize CCAC academic support services, (3) discuss future registration and class needs or requirements.
  4. Program Removal - A student may be removed from a specific educational program.

Interpretation, Revision and Record Keeping

  1. This update of the Student Code of Conduct shall supersede any and all information regarding matters of student conduct proceedings found within the databases (both written and oral) of the College. (DATE of UPDATE)
  2. Any question of interpretation or application of the Student Code of Conduct shall be referred to the Student Conduct Manager or his or her designee for final determination.
  3. The Student Code of Conduct shall be reviewed annually under the direction of the Student Conduct Manager.
  4. All Disciplinary files are held for seven (7) years.  Disciplinary records involving College suspension, College expulsion or revocation or withholding of degree are held permanently.
  5. Students, or individuals who have been given explicit consent in writing by the student, who wish to have access to their file must arrange a time to do so with the Student Conduct Manager or his/her designee.  Disciplinary files or copies of the disciplinary file cannot be given or viewed without the consent and presence of the Student Conduct Manager or his/her designee.  Under certain extenuating circumstances, such as distance, the Student Conduct Manager at his/her discretion can make certain accommodations for students to view their files.
  6. If a student has been identified as potentially violating the Student Code of Conduct and has decided to withdraw from the College before completing the Student Conduct process, that student’s record will reflect a pending conduct outcome and shall be adjudicated prior to re-enrollment.

Civil Rights, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX related Policies

The College does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination against any individual based upon race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry or place of birth, sex, gender identity or expression, perceived gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, use of a service animal due to disability, marital status, familial status, genetic information, veteran status, age or other classification protected by applicable law in matters of admissions, employment, services or in the educational programs or activities that it operates. Harassment that is based on any of these characteristics, whether in verbal, physical or visual form, constitutes a form of prohibited discrimination.

It is the further policy of the College to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination based on gender or sex in the College’s educational programs and activities,

Conduct prohibited under these laws and College policies includes discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying on the basis of a protected class; Title IX/Sexual Harassment Offenses; acts of sexual violence; and other forms of sexual misconduct, including but not limited to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.  Any reports alleging aforementioned conduct violations will first be preliminarily reviewed by the Title IX team to determine if the Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct Reporting & Response Procedures should be applied.  Remaining conduct issues not covered by these policies may also be addressed separately as applicable under this policy.

Questions or complaints regarding Title IX or Civil Rights issues may be directed to the College’s Civil Rights Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator:

CCAC Civil Rights Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator
808 Ridge Avenue
Byers Hall - Room 317
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Telephone: 412.237.4542

Email: civilrights@ccac.edu