Mar 14, 2025
ECD 202 - Children With Special Needs Credits: 3 3 Lecture Hours
Description This course is for students seeking an understanding of children with special needs. Special education past, present and future is examined. Included are topics related to working with children with sensory, behavioral, physical, language, cognitive and learning differences. The content of this course covers definitions, classifications, causes, incidence, approaches to treatment, social implications, attitudes, diversity, perceptions and professionalism. A weekly field observation in early childhood programs, schools, agencies or therapeutic setting is required.
Students must have three current clearances: FBI Fingerprint Clearance, a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Clearance, and a Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Child Abuse History Clearance and meet the local requirements of the field placement site, including the National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) Verification Clearance. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:
- Identify key events and legislative milestones that have impacted the field of special education.
- Define the classifications of learners that are included in special education by identifying the characteristics of each.
- Explain teaching and treatment strategies for exceptional learners and why they are appropriate for specific learning differences.
- Identify the steps in the assessment, evaluation and IEP writing process.
- Describe the inclusive models of education and early intervention by identifying the role of the regular classroom teacher and parent in each.
- Describe the dynamics that might exist in a family with a child with special needs including ways in which the professional and community can support the child and family.
- Describe the transitions from birth through adulthood and how they affect the person with special needs.
- Analyze the impact of attitudes and perceptions on personal performance and development.
- Construct a National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) standards-based educational portfolio with appropriate artifacts.
Listed Topics
- History of special education and services for children with special needs
- Advocacy legislation and laws applying to children with special needs and their families
- Terminology of special education
- Disciplines involved in education and treatment, e.g., physical therapy, medicine, psychology and social work
- Inclusive education and other educational models
- Attitudes and perceptions and their impact on children and families
- Classifications of children with special needs
- Characteristics of children with special needs
- Educating gifted and talented children
- Multicultural and diversity issues in special education
- Effect of children with disabilities on family dynamics
- Changing role of teachers with inclusive education
- Transition from school to adult life
- Professionalism
- Community resources
Reference Materials Standard textbook and multimedia materials. Students who successfully complete this course acquire general knowledge, skills and abilities that align with CCAC’s definition of an educated person. Specifically, this course fulfills these General Education Goals: - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
- Culture Society & Citizenship
- Information Literacy
Approved By: Dr. Quintin B. Bullock Date Approved: 03/20/2020
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