Jan 24, 2025
RTH 203 - Radiation Therapy 1 Credits: 3 3 Lecture Hours
Co-requisites: RTH 204C
Description This course introduces the theory and practice of radiation therapy. The scope and standards of practice, legal and ethical issues, informed consent, the therapeutic relationship, the history of radiation therapy to modern times, simulation and treatment procedures, techniques and equipment, additional treatment options, advanced procedures and quality control procedures are examined. This course requires a per credit health career fee; check the tuition and fee schedule for the current rate. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:
- Describe radiation therapy as a standard of cancer treatment.
- Explain the importance of patient-centered care.
- Summarize professional standards of practice in radiation therapy.
- Define procedures a radiation therapist may legally and ethically provide within scope of practice.
- Analyze the history of radiation therapy through modern times.
- Compare and contrast treatment equipment, procedures and techniques.
- Outline the procedure for providing optimal therapeutic delivery.
- Define key radiation therapy terminology.
- Describe radiation therapy procedures.
- Evaluate radiation safety and protection practices.
- Analyze components of a quality assurance/management program.
- Prioritize the steps for the computed tomography (CT) simulation process.
- Relate imaging methods with treatment techniques.
- Discuss multimodality approaches to support radiation therapy treatments.
Listed Topics
- Introduction to cancer and causes of cancer
- Responsibilities of the radiation therapist
- Radiation therapist scope of practice
- Ethical and legal considerations
- Historical development of radiation therapy
- Therapeutic equipment
- Immobilization devices and techniques
- Treatment techniques and procedures
- CT simulation
- Quality assurance and improvement
- Imaging in radiation therapy
- Advanced procedures
- Medical oncology and targeted therapies
Reference Materials Required textbooks, power point handouts, miscellaneous handouts, scientific calculator. Students who successfully complete this course acquire general knowledge, skills and abilities that align with CCAC’s definition of an educated person. Specifically, this course fulfills these General Education Goals: - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
- Culture Society & Citizenship
Approved By: Dr. Quintin B. Bullock Date Approved: 2/10/2023 Last Reviewed: 2/10/2023
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