HPE 136 - Self Defense Credits: 2 3 Activity Hours
Description This course is a study of striking techniques from the art of karate along with throws, holds and breakhold techniques from the art of judo and jiu-jitsu. Students emphasize practical self defense abilities as opposed to tournament competition. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:
- Demonstrate proper exercises which aid the student in other forms of athletic and leisure time activities.
- Establish techniques to enhance health including flexibility, warm-up exercises and calisthenics.
- Demonstrate effective strategies for safely responding to dangerous situations through skills practice and exploring options for obtaining help.
- Perform basic skills for self-protection.
- Progress personal self-defense skills by employing self-discipline in independent practice.
Listed Topics
- Self defense from front, rear and side attacks
- Street-smart self defense
- Proper judgment of offensive and defensive maneuvers
- The concept of self defense
Reference Materials Instructor approved texbood and materials Students who successfully complete this course acquire general knowledge, skills and abilities that align with CCAC’s definition of an educated person. Specifically, this course fulfills these General Education Goals: - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
- Culture Society & Citizenship
Approved By: Dr. Quintin B. Bullock Date Approved: 04/12/2024 Last Reviewed: 04/12/2024
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