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2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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SOC 201 - Sociology of the Family

Credits: 3
3 Lecture Hours

Prerequisites: SOC 101  

This course is a study of the family and its institutional aspects. Empirical science is applied to childhood development, courtship, marriage, parenthood, bereavement, and divorce. Cultural, class, religious, ethnic, and racial differences are analyzed.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:

  1. Describe the paired relationship.
  2. Explore the background for marriage including: gender and sex-role behavior, human sexuality, societal attitudes toward human sexuality, love and dating.
  3. Examine the married couple including: marriage and alternatives, remarriage, intermarriage.
  4. Review conflict and adjustment in marriage.
  5. Examine the family - theories, reproduction, socialization, children and the economics of the family.
  6. Critique the future of the family.
Listed Topics
  1. Marriage in a changing society
  2. Mate selection
  3. Dating, marriage, cohabitation
  4. Sexuality
  5. Single life
  6. Gender
  7. Theories of marriage and family
  8. Life cycle of marriage
  9. Parents and children
  10. Kinship and community
  11. Types of families
  12. Economics of the family
  13. Socialization
  14. Family problems, forecasts and other related topics
Reference Materials
Textbooks, journals, videos, computer-assisted materials, bibliographies, and related resources will be used.
Approved By: Johnson, Alex Date Approved: 05/18/2009

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