Oct 13, 2024
SOE 216 - Prep for First Class Power Engineer Certification, Experimental Credits: 3 3 Lecture Hours
Description This course prepares a student for the National Institute for the Uniform Licensing of Power Engineers (NIULPE) first class certification. NIULPE is a third-party certification organization mandated to establish and maintain international standards of education and competency for the power and energy related trades and professions. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:
- Understand fluid power applications.
- Identify applied thermodynamics and plant cycles.
- Describe applied engineering technologies and power plant opperations.
- Explain legislation and codes for indudtrial equipment, safety and environmental management.
- Apply inspection, maintentance and repair procedures.
Listed Topics
- Static fluid pressuresand forces, liquid columns and hydrauics.
- Presure, volume and temperature relationships.
- Metallurgy, corrosion and, combustion.
- Codes and regulations pretaining to industrial equipment, safety and environmental management.
- Inspection, maintentance and repair procedures.
Reference Materials Current text book and supplemental materials.
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