SPA 211 - Latin American Spanish Cinema, Experimental Credits: 3 3 Lecture Hours
Prerequisites: Completion of SPA 202 with a grade of C or better, or to be an advanced student in Spanish (2 year minimum)
Description This film course explores Spain and Latin American cultural issues and historical events through considerations of violence, gender roles, mainly. However, other related issues like social justice, revolution, human rights and immigration will be discussed, as well. All this issues will be the topics that we will analyze in class. In summary, the course is an examination of how film challenges received stereotypes and introduces students to some of the key concepts and terminology in film, cultural studies and relevant historical events pertaining to Latin America and Spain. This course will be taught in Spanish Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:
- Students will distinguish the different types of film genres and main thematic concerns of Spanish and Latin American cinema. Principally, students will approach to historical events and social problems.
- Students will also be knowledgeable about film terminology, techniques, and strategies so that they can produce informed critiques on film.
- Students will distinguish among the varied currents of film theory and will be able to understand and explain how films bear meaning.
Listed Topics
- Speaking
- Listening Comprehension
- Reading
- Writing
- Film and cultural vocabulary
- Detailed Conversation
Reference Materials Mary McVey Gill, Deana Smalley and Maria Paz-Haro. Cinema for Spanish Conversation. 4th Edition (Spanish-English Edition)
Optional book: Robert Stam. Teorias Del Cine/Film Theory: Una Introduction. 2000. (Spanish Edition). Optional
Spanish/English Dictionary
Various Spanish movies, websites and secondary readings to contextualize the screenings
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