2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Court Reporting
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Coordinating Dean: Sara Conroy, sconroy@ccac.edu
Mary Beth Johnson, Professor, Allegheny Campus, mjohnson@ccac.edu
Now enrolling, CCAC’s Court Reporting program is one of 33 schools across the nation approved by the National Court Reporters Association and one of only two approved in Pennsylvania. Students in the program are trained to work in the courthouse, in the deposition suite or as closed captioners and to write CART (Computer Assisted Realtime Translation) for those who are hearing impaired. For graduates employed through the court system, salaries begin in the $40,000 range. Freelance reporters, paid on a commission basis, can earn more.
To learn more or to enroll, contact Mary Beth Johnson at 412.237.2748.
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