Jan 13, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MDA 105 - Clinical Medical Assisting 1

Credits: 5
4 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours

Prerequisites: Admission into the Medical Assistant Program
Co-requisites: ALH 140 , CIT 100 , MDA 104  and MDA 208  

This course provides the medical assistant student knowledge, behaviors and skills usedin the medical office to assist the physician to provide patient care. Areas of concentration include structural organization of the body, orientation to clinical medical assisting, infection control, preparing patients for the physical exam, minor surgery, structure of the heart and performing EKG’s, understanding emergency procedures, performing patient assessment, providing patient education, understanding the basics of nutrition, performing vital signs and understanding diagnostic testing. Laboratory time is included for skills competency. Additional hours of practice time under the direct supervision of an instructor are provided.
This course requires a per credit health career fee; check the tuition and fee schedule for the current rate.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the course the student will be able to demonstrate compliance with all of the MAERB Core Curriculum objectives as follows:

1.   MAERB Appendix B CORE Curriculum 2015 standards

2.   Describe structural organization of the human body I.C.1.

3.   Identify body systems I.C.2.

4.   Describe

  • body planes I.C.3.a.
  • directional terms I.C.3.b.
  • quadrants I.C.3.c.
  • body cavities I.C.3.d.

5.   List major organs in each body system I.C.4.

6.   Identify the anatomical location of major organs in each body system I.C.5.

7.   Compare structure and function of the human body across the life span I.C.6.

8.   Describe the normal function of each body system I.C.7.

9.   Identify common pathology related to each body system including:

  • signs I.C.8.a.
  • symptoms I.C.8.b.
  • etiology I.C.8.c.

10. Analyze pathology for each body system including:

  • diagnostic measures I.C.9.a.
  • treatment modalities I.C.9.b.

11. Describe basic principles of first aid as they pertain to the ambulatory healthcare setting I.C.14.

12. Measure and record

  • blood pressure I.P.1.a.
  • temperature I.P.1.b.
  • pulse I.P.1.c.
  • respirations I.P.1.d.
  • height I.P.1.e.
  • weight I.P.1.f.

13. Perform:

  • electrocardiography I.P.2.a.

14. Perform patient screening using established protocols I.P.3.

15. Instruct and prepare a patient for a procedure or a treatment I.P.8.

16. Assist provider with a patient exam I.P.9.

17. Perform first aid procedures for:

  • bleeding I.P.13.a.
  • diabetic coma or insulin shock I.P.13.b.
  • fractures I.P.13.c.
  • seizures I.P.13.d.
  • shock I.P.13.e.
  • syncope I.P.13.f.

18. Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient assessment I.A.1.

19. Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient care I.A.2.

20. Show awareness of a patient’s concerns related to the procedure being performed I.A.3.

21. List major types of infectious agents III.C.1.

22. Describe the infection cycle including: 

  • The infectious agent III.C.2.a.
  • Reservoir III.C.2.b.
  • Susceptible host III.C.2.c.
  • Means of transmission III.C.2.d.
  • Portals of entry III.C.2.e.
  • Portals of exit III.C.2.f.

23.Define the following as practiced within an ambulatory care setting:

  • Medical asepsis III.C.3.a.
  • Surgical asepsis III.C.3.b.

24. Identify methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms III.C.4.

25. Define the principles of standard precautions III.C.5.

26. Define personal protective equipment (PPE) for:

  •  All body fluids, secretions and excretions   
  •  III.C.6.a.
  •  Blood III.C.6.b.
  •  Non-intact skin III.C.6.c.
  •  Mucous membranes III.C.6.d.

28. Identify Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations that impact healthcare practices III.C.7.

29. Participate in bloodborne pathogen training III.P.1.

30. Select appropriate barrier/Personal protective equipment (PPE) III.P.2.

31. Perform Handwashing III.P.3.

32. Perform autoclaving III.P.4.

33. Perform sterilization procedures III.P.5.

34. Prepare a sterile field III.P.6.

35. Perform within a sterile field III.P.7.

36. Perform wound care III.P.8.

37. Perform a dressing change III.P.9.

38. Demonstrate proper disposal of biohazardous material:

  • Sharps III.P.10.a.
  • Regulated waste III.P.10.b.

39. Recognize the implications for failure to comply with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations in heathcare settings III.A.1.

40. Describe dietary nutrients including:

  • Carbohydrates IV.C.1.a.
  • Fat IV.C.1.b.
  • Protein IV.C.1.c.
  • Minerals IV.C.1.d.
  • Electrolytes IV.C.1.e.
  • Vitamins IV.C.1.f.
  • Fiber IV.C.1.g.
  • Water IV.C.1.h.

41. Define the function of dietary supplements IV.C.2.

42. Identify the special dietary needs for:

  • Weight control IV.C.3.a.
  • Diabetes IV.C.3.b.
  • Cardiovascular disease IV.C.3.c.
  • Hypertension IV.C.3.d.
  • Cancer IV.C.3.e.
  • Lactose sensitivitiy IV.C.3.f.
  • Gluten-free IV.C.3.g.
  • Food allergies IV.C.3.h.

43. Show awareness of patient’s concerns regarding dietary changes IV.A1.

44. Instruct a patient according to patient’s special dietary needs IV.P.1.

45. Define coaching a patient as it relates to:

  • health maintenance V.C.6.a.
  • disease prevention V.C.6.b.
  • community resources V.C.6.c.
  • adaptations relevant to individual patient needs V.C.6.d.

46. Identify medical term labeling the word parts V.C.9.

47. Define medical terms and abbreviations related to all body systems V.C.10.

48. Relate the following behaviors to professional communication:

  • assertive V.C.14.a.
  • aggressive V.C.14.b.
  • passive V.C.14.c.

49. Differentiate between adaptive and non-adaptive coping mechanisms V.C.15.

50. Differentiate between subjective and objective information V.C.16.

51. Discuss the theories of:

  • Kubler-Ross V.C.17.c.

52. Respond to nonverbal communication V.P.2.

53. Use medical terminology correctly and pronounced accurately to communicate information to providers and patients V.P.3.
54. Coach patients regarding:

  • health maintenance V.P.4.b.
  • disease prevention V.P.4.c.
  • treatment plan V.P.4.d.

55. Develop a current list of community resources related to patients’ healthcare needs V.P.9.

56. Facilitate referrals to community resources in the role of a patient navigator V.P.10.

57. Demonstrate empathy, active listening and nonverbal communication V.A.1.

58. Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including:

  • gender V.A.3.a.
  • race V.A.3.b.
  • religion V.A.3.c.
  • age V.A.3.d.
  • economic status V.A.3.e.
  • appearance V.A.3.f.

59. Explain to a patient the rationale for performance of a procedure V.A.4.

60. Document patient care accurately in the medical record. X.P.3.

61. Perform Compliance reporting based on public health X.P.5.

62. Protect the integrity of the medical record X.A.2.

63. Identify:

  • Safety signs XII.C.1.a.
  • Symbols XII.C.1.b.
  • Labels XII.C.1.c.

64. Identify safety techniques that can be used in responding to accidental exposure to:

  • Blood XII.C.2.a.
  • Other body fluids XII.C.2.b.
  • Needle sticks XII.C.2.c.
  • Chemicals XII.C.2.d.

65. Discuss fire safety issues in an ambulatory healthcare environment XII.C.3.

66. Describe fundamental principles for evacuation of a healthcare setting XII.C.4.

67. Describe the purpose of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) in a healthcare setting XII.C.5.

68. Discuss protocols for disposal of biological chemical materials XII.C.6.

69. Identify principles of:

  • Body mechanics XII.C.7.a.

70. Identify critical elements of an emergency plan for response to a natural disaster or other emergency XII.C.8.

71. Comply with:

  • Safety signs XII.P.1.a.
  • Symbols XII.P.1.b.
  • labels XII.P.1.c.

72. Demonstrate proper use of:

  • eyewash equipment XII.P.2.a.
  • fire extinguishers XII.P.2.b.
  • Sharps disposal containers XII.P.2.c.

73. Use proper body mechanics XII.P.3.

74. Participate in a mock exposure event with documentation of specific steps XII.P.4.

75. Evaluate the work environment to identify unsafe working conditions XII.P.5.

76. Recognize the physical and emotional effects on persons involved in an emergency situation XII.A.1.

77. Demonstrate self-awareness in responding to an emergency situation XII.A.2.

 Listed Topics

  1. Normal functions of each body system
  2. Orientation to clinical medical assisting
  3. Guidelines for personal safety and well-being of staff and patients
  4. Diagnostic testing
  5. Infection Control
  6. Positioning and draping of patients for examinations
  7. Patient assessment
  8. Medical and surgical asepsis used in medical offices
  9. Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulation for the medical office
  10. Verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  11. Cardiography diagnostic testing
  12. Normal and abnormal vital signs for all age groups
  13. Nutrition
Reference Materials
Textbooks, audio, video, internet, lab equipment.
Students who successfully complete this course acquire general knowledge, skills and abilities that align with CCAC’s definition of an educated person. Specifically, this course fulfills these General Education Goals:
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Approved By: Dr. Quintin B. Bullock Date Approved: 09/27/2019

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