Feb 11, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Glossary and Definitions


Academic Advisor. The CCAC faculty or staff member(s) who will help students develop their educational plan and facilitate their registration each term.

Academic Calendar. The calendar that tells when the academic terms begin and the dates for grades, withdrawal and other important academic deadlines. (see ccac.edu/Academic_Calendars.aspx)

Academic Forgiveness. The process by which students may apply for forgiveness of D and F grades due to an absence of four years from credit study or because they have changed their program of study. The adjusted GPA will be used for determining academic standing to include suspension, probation, good standing, honors and dean’s list. (see the Academic Rules & Regulations , “Academic Forgiveness ” section of the catalog for more information.)

Academic Probation. A student who has attempted a minimum of 12 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average below a 2.00 and is not suspended is placed on academic probation. (See the Academic Rules & Regulations, “Academic Probation ” section of the catalog for more information.)

Academic Progress. The academic rules established by the college to ensure that students are making progress toward the completion of their educational goals.

Academic Suspension. A temporary dismissal from the college for two academic semesters of a student whose GPA falls below acceptable levels (below 2.00) of academic progress. (All summer sessions combined equal one semester.)

Access to Student Records. The policy under which students are allowed to review their records according to college policy. Student access their records through CCAC Central e-Services.

Add &/or Drop. The process of changing schedules after students have completed their registration. Refer to the Academic Calendar for dates during which this can occur.

Administrative Withdrawal. The policy by which the college reserves the right to cancel students’ registrations for just cause, such as non-payment of tuition or disruptive behavior.

Admissions Application. All students must complete the official admissions application. The form is available online or in paper. All students must complete to begin the enrollment process. The application collects basic demographic and academic information on the applicant.

Admissions Process/Procedures. Steps followed by a new or readmitted student in order to enroll at CCAC as a credit student. These include completing an application, submitting transcripts, applying for financial aid, taking placement tests and seeing an academic advisor. Applicants can complete all steps at one time by participating in an Enrollment Express Day.

Advanced Standing. College credits taken at an accredited college or university, or earned through CLEP, Dantes and AP exams. CCAC also awards advanced standing for specific CTC coursework based on articulation agreements. (See Transfer Credits.)

Alpha-numeric codes. How CCAC courses are identified. Each course receives a six digit code—the first three digits are alphabetic, the second set of three are numeric.

Appointment Central. The online portal allowing CCAC students to schedule an appointment for a variety of services such as placement testing, academic advising, Enrollment Express and other events. (See ccac.edu/appointment-central/)

Articulation Agreements. Agreements between institutions (either a high school/area vocational school or future four-year school and CCAC) that allow for the awarding of CCAC credit for prior educational experiences or the transfer of CCAC credits to other schools.

Audit. The process of attending class on a no-academic credit basis. Students pay the same tuition whether they take the class for a grade or not.

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). College staff who respond to situations involving dangerous, atypical, threatening or disruptive student behaviors.

Blackboard. CCAC’s course management system used for Internet, hybrid and technology-supported courses. Blackboard is accessed through the Internet; therefore there is no software to install or download to the student’s computer. (see courses.ccac.edu/)

Bookstore Charge Authorization. The policy which allows students with pending financial aid or a financial sponsor to obtain books and supplies from the campus bookstore. (see ccac.edu/Bookstores.aspx)

Career & Technology Center (CTC). Technical high schools. CCAC accepts some credit from specific CTC’s. Students should see admissions counselor for additional information.

Career Planning. The availability of a career counselor at each campus to help students select major programs and careers.

CCAC Central. CCAC Central e-Services is an online product where students can apply for admissions to CCAC, search and register for credit classes, view grades and financial information, order transcripts and pay online.

Certificate. CCAC offers a number of certificate programs, requiring less than 60 credits, aimed at preparing students for a specific career.

Changing a Grade. The procedure to have a grade change includes several steps. If a student receives a grade he/she believes to be incorrect, the student should check first with his/her instructor. Consult the current Student Handbook for additional information.

Changing a Major Program. Students must see an advisor and file a change of major program form at the Registration and Advisement office.

Checksheet. (See Graduation Checksheet.)

Class or Course Load. The number of courses and credits for which students are registered.

Class Schedule. The college prints a class schedule each term, listing the credit courses available at each campus and center. The schedule is also available electronically at ccac.edu CCAC Central e-Services.

CLEP (College Level Examination Program). The national tests students can take to determine if they should receive advanced standing credits in a number of disciplines. (For more information go to ccac.edu/Advanced-Placement/#College-Level_Examination_Program_(CLEP)

Co-curricular Activities. Activities at CCAC that are designed to complement the classroom.

Code of Academic Conduct. CCAC rules and policies regarding appropriate standards of academic integrity for students.

Code of Behavioral Conduct. CCAC rules and policies regarding appropriate standards of conduct for students These standards are embodied within a set of values that include integrity, social justice, diversity, respect, community and responsibility.

Collaborative Programs. The Collaborative program with Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) require that students complete designated credits at CCAC then apply to IUP BS in Management. Students accepted into the IUP program may then continue the IUP junior and senior coursework at the Boyce campus.

Commencement. A graduation ceremony where students officially receive their degrees, typically held in May or June at the end of the academic year (See graduation).

Cooperative Education. On-the-job experiences arranged by the college in a number of programs to give students work experience before graduation.

Corequisite. Two or more courses that should be taken at the same time.

Counseling Services. The personal counseling, transfer counseling and career counseling services CCAC offers ensure that students are well-informed and well-guided as they make decisions about academics, careers and more. (see ccac.edu/Counseling_Services.aspx)

Course Outline. An outline prepared by the instructor in each class. The course outline enhances the information in the syllabus. It describes the expectations in greater detail including weekly assignments and classroom etiquette as well as behavior.

Credit. At CCAC, a credit is equivalent to 15 hours of instruction or one hour per week over a 16-week period. A three-credit class would be equivalent to 45 hours, a four-credit class to 60 hours and so on. Hours are prorated for shorter sessions. These hours do not include final examination.

Credit by Examination. If a student has experience he/she believes equivalent to a CCAC course, the student may petition to receive credit by examination rather than enrolling in the course. There is a fee for this examination.

Credits (Earned & Attempted). Credits earned are those classes that students receive an A through F grade; credits attempted are all classes in which they have enrolled, even though the student may have I, X or W on their transcript.

CTC. (See Career & Technology Center.)

Curriculum. The name given to a number of courses representing a program of study or the offerings of department of discipline.

Dean’s List. The list of students who have high academic achievement. This list is prepared each term.

Dean of Academic Affairs (Academic Dean). The dean of Academic Affairs and the associate dean of Academic Affairs are responsible for all academic areas on each campus with the exception of Nursing (which is administered by the collegewide Dean of Nursing). The deans of Academic Affairs have additional college-wide discipline and program responsibilities.

Dean of Student Development. The dean of Student Development is responsible for all student services on each campus and respective college centers. Student services range from admissions and financial aid to supportive services for students with disabilities, child development centers and student life. The dean of Student Development is responsible for enforcing the Student Code of Behavioral Conduct. Behavioral Intervention Teams are chaired by the campus dean of Student Development.

Dean, Online. (See Online Dean.)

Degree. CCAC offers Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS) and Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees.

Degree Audit. Academic Advisors are available to review a Degree Audit with students; this shows progress made by the student to meet the requirements of their current program or a prospective program.

Developmental Studies courses. CCAC offers courses in English, mathematics and reading to help students develop the skills necessary to succeed in the college classroom.

Diploma. CCAC offers a number of diploma programs, requiring less than 16 credits, aimed at preparing students for a specific career.

Discipline or Department Elective. A course offered within a specific discipline (for example, Business or Psychology) which students can elect to take in their major program. These are noted in the program in the catalog.

Drop &/or Add. The process of changing a schedule after students have completed their registration. (See Add &/or Drop.)

Dropping a Class. In order to drop a class and not receive a final grade in it, students must report to the Registration and Advisement office within the specific drop period.

Dual Enrollment. With the permission of the student’s parents and school district, a high school student may take CCAC coursework.

e-portfolio. (See Portfolio Review through College Credit Fast Track )

eRefund. Enables students to have certain refunds electronically deposited directly into a checking or savings account.

Educational Plan. A student’s academic advisor will help him/her develop a plan to facilitate educational objectives through classes at CCAC.

Electives. College level courses listed in a degree program that are not specified by title.

Enrollment Express. (see Open House)

Extracurricular Activities. Activities at CCAC that are outside of the classroom. Many of the extracurricular activities can be found in the Student Life section of the web and include clubs, sports and community service.

Faculty Resource Program. This program focuses on students who have completed all developmental courses as required by CCAC’s placement tests or are not required to take any developmental courses, have completed between nine and 30 credits and have at a least a 2.00 GPA. It is designed to provide the students with information about their academic status and services provided by the college.

FAFSA. (see Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

Fees. The college collects fees in addition to tuition. These cover extraordinary costs associated with education. Among others, these include a laboratory fee, technology fee and student service fee. (See Tuition & Fees page for more information.)

FERPA. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 allow students access to their own school records and sets guidelines for the protection of the student record.

Final Examination. Each class taken will have a final examination. This may or may not include a review of the entire term’s work.

Financial Aid. Financial Aid is intended to aid students in reaching their educational goals. Financial aid at CCAC is available in the form of: grants and scholarships, Direct subsidized loans, Direct unsubsidized loans, Direct Parent Plus loans and private alternative loans. Financial aid also includes work-study employment. (see ccac.edu/financial-aid/)

Flat Rate Tuition. Tuition charged for students registering for 12 to 18 credits in a semester.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (known as the FAFSA) is a form that can be prepared annually by current and prospective college students in the United States to determine their eligibility for student financial aid (including the Pell Grant, Federal student loans and Federal Work-Study). (See Financial Aid )

General Equivalency Diploma (GED). The diploma awarded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to those individuals who did not graduate from high school, yet successfully complete a standardized test. The college offers courses to prepare students to take the GED tests, or students can receive a GED after completing 30 credits of college work. (see ccac.edu/GED-information/)

General Studies. If students have completed 60 credits and have completed the distribution requirements for the associate degree, they may graduate in general studies.

Good Standing. Students are in good standing at the college if they maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher.

Grade Point Average (GPA). The grade point average is calculated each term and then accumulated over the student’s enrollment at the college. It is based on a 4.00 scale, with an A counted as 4 grade points, a B 3 grade points, etc.

Grades. Grades indicate students’ success in each course. Students receive a grade noting their midterm progress as well as a final grade in each course. Students access their grades via CCAC Central e-Services.

Graduation. In the student’s last term he/she needs to complete an application for graduation available at ccac.edu/advisement-forms/ or in the Registration and Advisement office, so the academic record can be evaluated to determine if the student has met all of the requirements for their program.

Graduation Checksheet. Checksheets detailing the requirements for graduation for academic programs offered at CCAC.

Grants. Type of financial aid awarded based on financial need. The most common grants are awarded by state and federal agencies. (See Financial Aid  for more information.)

High School Transcript. Applicants to the college are required to submit a high school transcript. Applicants must contact their high school to authorize the sending of the transcript.

Honors Programs. The Honors Program exists to unite outstanding students and faculty in the pursuit and advancement of academic excellence. For students, CCAC Honors promotes participation in a program of scholastic rigor, service to the college and community, opportunities to attend regional and national Honors conferences and activities to develop leadership skills. Students must apply to the honors program for consideration.

Horizontal Change. Students may change from one section of a course to another section during the registration or add period.

Incomplete. A student has not completed all the required work in a course within the scheduled term. It is the instructor’s option to give an incomplete. The student needs to meet with the instructor and agree on the exact work to be completed and a schedule to complete the work. Work must be completed no later than eight weeks into the next semester. If a “Change of Grade Authorization” is not received, the I grade will automatically be converted to the grade earned or to an F grade.

Independent Study. Independent study experiences are planned by students and their instructors before registration and must be approved by the appropriate academic dean.

Institutional GPA. Grade point average calculated each term, including only college level courses. Developmental course grade points excluded.

Joint Enrollment. CCAC has entered into joint enrollment programs with California University of Pennsylvania. Students who apply and meet the admissions requirements of both institutions will be jointly admitted to both institutions and may take coursework at both institutions leading to both an associate degree and then a bachelor’s degree. Tuition is charged at the rate of the institution offering the course.

Learning Commons. Learning Commons are learner-center engagement spaces where tutoring, faculty interaction and facilitated computer-assisted learning is fostered at each of the college’s four campuses. While focusing on improving the skills and abilities of CCAC’s developmental students in English and reading courses, all CCAC students will have access to the Learning Commons. (See ccac.edu/Learning_Commons.aspx)

Limited Admissions. Admission to the college does not constitute admission to a limited enrollment program. Some programs are limited in enrollment due to clinical sites, employment opportunities, accreditation requirements and other factors. Students may need to complete certain requirements to be eligible to apply to a limited admission/limited enrollment program. (see ccac.edu/limited-enrollment-specialty-programs/)

Loans. Type of financial aid which can be either subsidized or unsubsidized that must be repaid, either six months after graduating or once the student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time. Alternative loans have lender-specific repayment terms. (See Financial Aid  for more information.)

Major Program. All students at the college select a major program, whether or not they intend to complete all the requirements of that program. These major programs are detailed in the college catalog and should be selected in consultation with an academic advisor.

Math Café. The Math Café is a walk-in assistance center for students in need of help with mathematics courses. Math Cafés are available at all college campuses, Homewood-Brushton and West Hills Centers. Math Cafe hours of operation are available at ccac.edu/Math_Cafes_Page.aspx

Medical Withdrawal. If a student has a health problem that makes it necessary for him/her to drop out of school, the student can apply for a medical withdrawal.

Midterm Grades. Midterm grades are issued for the 16- and 14-week terms after the eighth week of the 16-week term. This grade does not appear on the transcript and is intended to help students assess their progress in each course.

Military Call to Active Duty. An M grade is posted to the student transcript when a student has elected the withdrawal option Military Call to Active Duty. (see Appendix L )

NetID (Network Identification). A personal, unique identifier assigned to individuals. Students can set up their username and password, which provides access to computers on the college network, e-Services, email, Blackboard, and other college electronic services.

Nondiscrimination Policy. Policy implemented at CCAC that provides procedures for dealing with complaints of discrimination, harassment, bullying, hazing, intimidation, sexual misconduct, stalking and cyber bullying.

Online Dean. Online service designed to provide opportunities for students to communicate with the deans of Student Development, ask questions and receive responses via email.

Online Learning. Online learning describes courses in which the majority of interaction between teacher and student and among students takes place electronically. Electronic communication may take the form of audio, video, email, chat and the Internet.

Online Tutoring (SMARTHINKING). Up to 10 hours of free online (24/7) tutoring per semester are offered to all CCAC students. This is particularly useful for students who are not able to use the in-house facilities. Students using SMARTHINKING receive real-time assistance in mathematics, chemistry, bilingual mathematics, physics, organic chemistry, biology, introduction to anatomy and physiology, economics, introductory finance, accounting and statistics. Writing support for all subjects is also provided through the online writing lab.

Open Admissions. CCAC has open admissions, which means that it does not require entrance examinations. Students are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. The college does require that students take placement tests to make sure students begin their studies where they are most likely to succeed.

Open House. Event held at college campuses that enable a prospective student to meet with CCAC representatives from Admissions, Financial Aid and, Registration & Advisement. Students can get answers to questions, complete an admissions application, take placement tests, begin the financial aid process and register for classes—all in one place on one day. Preregistration is required. Students can sign up online through Appointment Central or can contact the campus.

Orientation. (See Smart Start Orientation.)

Outstanding Balance. Unpaid tuition, fees, parking tickets, fines and balances will prevent students from registering or receiving any other college services until resolving the balance.

PASSHE. Pennsylvania System of Higher Education institutions.

PA TRAC. PA TRAC creates a seamless transfer and articulation process for students who earn degrees in specific programs and who transfer to PASSHE–Pennsylvania System of Higher Education institutions. CCAC’s programs in Biology, Business, Chemistry, Early Education and Child Development, Physics and Psychology are part of this agreement. In addition to the PASSHE institutions, Carlow University, Lackawanna College, Neumann University and St. Francis University are participating in these agreements.

Part-time Student. A part-time student is registered for less than 12 college credits for a term.

Per-credit Tuition Rate. Tuition charged to students registering 1 to 11 credits or registering for 19 or more credits in a semester.

Placement Profile. A student’s placement profile is made up of his/her placement test scores as well as previous educational and life experiences. This information will assist the academic advisor in designing a successful educational plan with the student.

Placement Tests. The college provides placement testing in English, reading and mathematics skills to help students and academic advisors determine if students need help developing the skills necessary to be successful at CCAC. (See ccac.edu/placement-tests/)

Portfolio (for Prior Learning Assessment) (PLA). A portfolio is an organized collection of essays and documentation demonstrating the student’s learning through work and life experiences. Through the portfolio, the student demonstrates the knowledge gained through experience equivalent to college coursework. The student must be able to identify and document experiences and learning, based on the learning outcomes stated in the CCAC curriculum. Each portfolio will include: reason for petition; an expanded resume; a personal essay outlining goals, competencies and a learning narrative; and supporting documentation (including letters of verification, copies of certificates, demonstrations, awards, portfolios, etc.) that provides evidence of experience and learning.

Prerequisite. Course or skill set a student is required to have before registering for another course.

Program Areas. Academic programs are categorized into six areas: Arts and Humanities; Business; Education, Social and Behavior & Human Services (ED,SB&HS); Health; Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); and Trades.

Program Requirements. These are listed under the student’s major programs in the college catalog and are the requirements needed to graduate in that program.

Quality Point Average (QPA). (See Grade Point Average (GPA).)

Re-admission. Students who have not attended CCAC for one year need to reapply to the college. Students may continue in their previous program or select a new program.

Refunds. The refunding of money owed to students is by check or credit card and may take as many as three weeks for processing after the start of the term. (Also see eRefund)

Registration. The process of enrolling in college classes. Currently registered students are able to use “priority registration” for the next term before registration opens to the public. The effective dates for registration are posted on each campus. Students may register at any campus of the college, no matter which campus they want to attend. Most students can register online. (See ccac.edu/registration-services/)

Registration and Advisement. The office on each campus that is responsible for registration, advisement and maintaining the student’s records. (See ccac.edu/academic-advisement/)

Repeating Classes. If students have received a D or F in a class, they may elect to repeat it. Students may make four attempts to pass a course. However, the fourth attempt requires permission of the academic dean and will be allowed only under compelling circumstances. All grades earned by students from a single class will remain on their transcript, with the last grade being calculated into the GPA.

Remote Placement Testing. Placement testing available to CCAC applicants who live outside the geographic region through Remote ACT/COMPASS testing sites (there are over 550 located throughout the United States). Testing centers typically charge a fee between $20 and $45. The CCAC Counseling Office will help you to determine the appropriate test package and a testing center where you can take the test. For more information go to ccac.edu/Remote_Placement_Tests.aspx

Removal of Grades From GPA Calculation. Students may apply for forgiveness of D or F grades due to an absence of four years from credit study or because they have changed their program of study. The adjusted GPA will be used for determining academic standing to include suspension, probation, good standing, honors and dean’s list. (See the Academic Rules & Regulations, “Academic Forgiveness ” section of the catalog for more information.)

Residency (domicile*). CCAC is sponsored by Allegheny County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Students must prove residency to determine appropriate tuition rates.

* Domicile shall mean a person’s true, fixed and permanent home, to which a person intends to return. A residence established for the purpose of attending an educational institution or qualifying for resident status for tuition purposes shall not of itself constitute domicile. The residency of a dependent student (as defined by the IRS) is determined by the parent’s domicile. (See Appendix F Student Residency Classification  for more information.)

Reverse Transfer. Within four years after leaving CCAC and after completing a minimum of 30 credits at the college, a student can apply back to the college for graduation. A maximum of 15 credits from an approved and accredited college can be applied toward graduation.

Roadmap to Your Destination. Roadmap is a clear pathway to graduation, detailing the steps to completion in logical sequence and directing students to engage in specific tasks at key times. (See Student Services for more information.)

Satisfactory Academic Progress. Eligibility for financial aid can be affected by failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress. (See Financial Aid  for more information.)

Scholarships. Type of financial aid typically awarded to students who meet specific criteria. (See Financial Aid  for more information.)

School Code. Unique codes are assigned by the Department of Education for schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. Students can enter these codes on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to indicate which postsecondary schools they want to receive their financial application results. The school codes for the CCAC campuses can be found on ccac.edu.

Second Associate Degree. If students wish to earn a second associate degree, they must complete at least 21 additional credits at CCAC and complete all the requirements of the second program.

Section. The time, place and instructor of each course are noted by use of a section number.

Semester. CCAC is on a semester calendar, with a fall and spring term, each comprised of 15 weeks of instruction and an additional week for final exams for a total of 16 weeks (online, courses at college centers & evening courses are usually 13 weeks instruction plus a final exams week). There are 6-, 8- and 10-week sessions during the summer.

Smart Start Orientation. Smart Start helps students begin their college experience by providing information on college life— educational, social and cultural activities offered by CCAC. Students can get their photo ID, NetID and learn about essential college services. Students sign up for Smart Start online using Appointment Central, by telephone or via mail.

SMARTHINKING. (See Online Tutoring.)

Syllabi/Syllabus. A summary of the main points of a CCAC credit course that includes course name and number, credits and number of class work required, pre- and corequisite(s) if applicable, course description and learning outcomes. Syllabi for current courses are found on the Master Course Syllabi. (See Course Outline.)

Third Party. The term used to describe a student’s tuition sponsor that may refer to an employer or other funding agency

Transcript. A student’s grade record is available in official and unofficial formats. When grades are changed, completed or old grades are removed from GPA calculation and these transactions are noted on the official transcript. For more information. go to ccac.edu/transcripts-degree-verification/

Transfer Credits. If a student has taken courses at another accredited college and wishes to have them count toward his/her degree at CCAC, he/she should request that a transcript be forwarded to CCAC from the other college and request evaluation. These transferred credits will appear on the CCAC transcript. Only A, B and C grades are transferred. The grades earned elsewhere will not calculate into a student’s CCAC GPA. Some limited admission/limited enrollment programs may take these grades into consideration when students are applying to them.

Transfer Student. A student who plans to continue his or her education after CCAC. Transfer students should meet early in their CCAC career with a counselor at their campus to develop a program of study using transferable courses.

Transferable Course. Course that another college or university will accept toward a student’s program of study at the college or university.

Tuition. The tuition is a per-credit tuition rate for students taking 1 to 11 credits and a flat tuition rate for students taking 12 to 18 credits. Students registering for more than 18 credits will be charged the flat tuition rate plus the per credit tuition rate. Specific tuition amounts and associated fees are available at ccac.edu/payment/

Tutoring. Free service is offered through the Library and Learning Services departments at each campus for students taking credit courses. Both in-house (face-to-face) and online tutoring services (SMARTHINKING) are available. Students are encouraged to make an appointment for this service. (See ccac.edu/Tutoring.aspx)

Unspecified Elective. Any college level credit CCAC course may satisfy this requirement. Students should select all courses in consultation with an academic advisor.

UserName. A name that uniquely identifies someone on a computer system. Each student has a unique username and is responsible for managing the password for this account that provides access to computers and numerous electronic systems for learning, communications, and financial and academic records.

Vertical Change. Students will be tested early in English, mathematics and reading classes to determine if they are appropriately enrolled. If the test results indicate a change is necessary the instructor will direct the student on how to make the change.

Web Advising. Students living more than 50 miles from a CCAC location can complete the enrollment process and meet with an academic advisor using the Web Advising program. Students must meet the technical requirements for Web Advising. For more information go to ccac.edu/Web-Based-Advising/

Withdrawal. In order not to receive a grade in a class or classes, students must officially withdraw within the specific withdrawal period. When this is done a W grade appears as the final grade on the student transcript. Students who stop attending without officially notifying the Registration and Advisement office will receive a grade in the class or classes.

Workforce Development and Community Training And Development. Programs and classes that provide job training and teaches life skills to those who can benefit from this support in order to better socialize, care for themselves and contribute to society. We provide skills training for those who take care of this special population and we make sure that the elderly have the proper programs to enjoy and take care of their affairs. We provide classes for those who wish to develop or improve skill sets in the human service/non-profit arena. (See ccac.edu/Human_Service_Programs.aspx)

Work-Study. Students may qualify for a work-study award as part of the financial aid package. Students are able to earn a wage while working in a college office or approved off-campus location. (See Financial Aid  for more information.)